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Empowering global workforces with contextualized upskilling: Lepaya launches new capability academies

Empowering global workforces with contextualized upskilling: Lepaya launches new capability academies

Written by:
Thomas Schipperen
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Date created
June 6, 2024
Last updated:
July 17, 2024
5 min read
Lepaya academies
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Key takeaways
  • Evolving technology and shifting markets affect both employees and employers, leading to decreased productivity, retention, and revenue.
  • One-off learning solutions are insufficient for bridging skill gaps and preparing for future challenges. Forward-thinking companies need a fresh approach to learning.
  • Lepaya's new capability academies provide customized programs catering to the critical skills required at all organizational levels.
  • The 4 new academies are designed to help enterprises solve workforce challenges by building the critical skills their people need at every level.

    Evolving technology and shifting markets are increasing the pace of change and impacting both employees' and employers’ ability to adapt. Productivity, retention, and revenue are all suffering when employees are not equipped to navigate the future of work.

    Traditional, one-off learning solutions are not enough to close these widening skill gaps, deliver tangible results, and equip talent with the relevant skills to face future challenges. As a result, forward-looking companies need a pivot in their upskilling approach.

    This is why Lepaya is launching its new capability academies that help global enterprises tailor their people’s development to companies' business needs and continuously upskill employees at every career level:

    1. Young talent
    2. Professionals
    3. Leaders
    4. Commercial teams

    Each academy delivers specific learning experiences that can be tailored to each target group and organization's context.

    Unlocking growth with people development: A closer look at each academy 

    Workforce and upskilling challenges are stalling growth for many organizations. But by empowering people with the right skills and at the right time, businesses can ensure people’s development addresses their orgnizational needs and fuels growth.

    Each academy has been carefully designed to suit different target groups within organizations:

    Young talent academy

    Retaining and nurturing young talent is a strategic priority for enterprises to mitigate labor shortage and increase workforce productivity. The academy focuses on building future-proof skills that prepare organizations for an increasingly digital and AI-driven economy. 

    “We specialize in developing people with up to 3 years of experience in digital, analytical and personal skills to foster high performance.”

    Ian Strijk, Young talent upskilling expert 

    Professional academy

    Developing talent with diverse expertise and development needs is challenging for HR leaders. The tailored programs upskill professionals at 3 stages in their growth, enhancing problem solving, collaboration and data skills to maximize their performance in the business. 

    “The academy is designed to unlock the full potential of your early stage professionals, experts, and aspiring leaders and deepening the impact of their expertise on your organization.”

    Claudia van Galen, Professional upskilling expert 

    Leader academy 

    In today’s work environment, companies need leaders who appeal to all age groups and strengthen team cohesion. The programs develop leaders at different seniority levels to apply the skills that enhance their team’s development. 

    “The leader academy upskills the leaders of individuals, teams and organizations, allowing them to deliver complex strategies and guide their teams through business transformation.”

    Georgia Hobbs, Leadership upskilling expert 

    Commercial academy 

    In fast-changing and increasingly competitive markets, companies need individuals who excel in client relations to stay ahead of the competition. The sales programs support commercial teams to create trust with customers at every touchpoint and grow revenue.

    “The commercial academy is designed with the buyer’s journey, and the sales pipeline in mind. And because of the modular set-up we make sure that sales leaders can pick, and choose the right skills and behaviors to be trained in their team, and hit those targets. “

    Thomas Schipperen, Commercial upskilling expert 

    Continuous upskilling for future-ready organizations

    The new academies allow the world’s leading organizations like ING, Dell, Maersk, and Freudenberg to continuously equip their talent with the skills needed to remain productive and successful amidst economic and technological disruption.

    Explore our academy offering and start transforming your people’s development today.

    Ready to upskill your people & transform your business?

    We offer a scalable employee training solution. It lets you continuously upskill your people.

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    Academies for every career level
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    About Lepaya

    Lepaya is a provider of Power Skills training that combines online and offline learning. Founded by René Janssen and Peter Kuperus in 2018 with the perspective that the right training, at the right time, focused on the right skill, makes organizations more productive. Lepaya has trained thousands of employees.

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