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2023 Skills in Review

Here’s how people leaders developed their talent in 2023 and how businesses can set themselves up for future growth.

Upskilling strategies

People leaders changed their upskilling strategies in 2023

2023 was a year of economic swings. Yet some companies found new growth against the market odds.

Before we reveal our 2023 upskilling data, let’s revisit last year’s highlights.

In 2022 Lepaya helped

enterprises build resilient internal teams and
Total icon
learners upskilled
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hours of skills practice

In 2023 Lepaya helped

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learners upskilled
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hours of skills practice

People teams contextualized learning journeys with technology

In 2023, learning teams designed impactful upskilling solutions with high learner engagement.


From 3.048 modules, the average training rating was:

Average training recommendation score
Contexualized content
Tailor the learning experiences to the context of your organization.
Apply Skills
Practice & apply skills
Ensure skills contribute to business goals
Blended learning delivery
Mix in-person and online learning methods.
Skill scan
Ensure people learn the right skills at the right time.
How did they achieve this?
Looking at their approach, this is what an optimal learning journey looked like in 2023:

Some people leaders took learning interventions to the next level.

2024 predictions: more than
of companies used AI and VR to upskill their people

Companies adopted AI coach and Virtual Reality in immersive role plays to create contextualized learning experiences and boost people’s capabilities.

This number is expected to rise in 2024 as L&D teams create fully contexualized upskilling journeys and expand talent’s potential at scale.

The top Power Skill per industry in 2023

Now let’s move from the how to the what on an industry level.

What was the top Power Skill per industry and why did companies prioritize this skill?

Top Power Skill:

Collaboration & Influence

Collaboration & Influence

Retail teams operate in complex omnichannel brands.

With teams spread across large organizations, retailers trained their talent to influence their peers and present ideas effectively to stakeholders.

Collaboration & Influence


Oil, Energy & Utilities

Renewable energies are the future of the oil and gas industry.

In 2023 leadership teams leveraged storytelling skills to help their people adapt to new practices and collaborate with governments for changing legislation.


Collaboration & Influence

Collaboration & Influence

Strengthening client relationships is key for financial institutions to grow customer loyalty.

In 2023 people teams upskilled talent in to build trust with customers, identify their needs and adopt consultative selling to expand commercial opportunities.

Collaboration & Influence

Taking Ownership

Transport & Warehousing 
Taking Ownership

Logistics companies are expanding their global supply chains

In 2023 businesses upskilled global teams to take ownership of change in new warehouses and collaborate with people in multicultural settings.

Taking Ownership

Empowering Leadership

Empowering Leadership

Consultants need excellent project management skills to develop solutions for their clients.

However, consultancy firms also need capable leaders who can empower their teams and balance clients’ needs.

Empowering Leadership

Collaboration & Influence

Manufacturing & Construction
Collaboration & Influence

Smart factories optimize the sustainability and efficiency of manufacturers.

Operation teams needed excellent communication and collaboration skills to optimize change in 2023.

Collaboration & Influence

The Power Skills growing regional economies

Power Skills impact more than people and businesses - they grow regional economies.

Here’s the top Power Skills per region and the main industry investing in this skill:

United States
United States
Top Power Skill
Analytical Thinking
The tech industry contributes $1.19 trillion dollars to the US national GDP and 12.1 million jobs.
In 2023 the industry balanced analytical skills in advanced problem solving with storytelling to communicate results to clients.
Top Power Skill
Empowering Leadership
Consultancies have a market share of €34.9 billion in the BENELUX
Companies prioritized leadership training to build competent project teams and deliver clients high Return on Investment.
Top Power Skill
Empowering Leadership
Scandinavia logistics businesses are the heartbeat of world trade.
This industry focused on leaders’ communication skills and stakeholder management to succeed in multicultural settings.
The manufacturing industry drives regional GDP in the DACH market
Manufacturers trained leadership skills to increase talent retention and engagement in a competitive industry.

Lepaya’s message for companies in 2024

Message companies
Our upskilling data has one message for companies heading into 2024
Empower your people and leaders with contextualized upskilling and let their skills dictate your growth.

How will your upskilling strategies prepare your people and your business for growth in 2024?

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